- From 1 December 2021, FSC products will be affected by an increase in the price to the public, due to higher raw material costs on the market. -

Full Motion 6DOF GA Simulator

Full Motion 6DOF GA Simulator


FSC, in partnership with XESA Systems, developed a 6DOF General Aviation full motion flight simulator system.
The GA simulator features a 2000-kg payload capable motion platform with axial full-electric actuators and a 4 seats climate-controlled cabin with a Hybrid C172S G1000 - Baron58 G1000 cockpit simulator with linked dual yoke.
The high definition visual system is composed by 9 monitors with a total resolution of 2560x14.400 pixels and a FOV higher than 260°, with a high frame rate, displaying our extremely-detailed and optimized FSC custom made sceneries.
The 6 degrees of freedom platform is very responsive and allows an extremely realistic simulation of the plane movements, providing full forward/back, up/down, left/right, yaw, pitch, roll action.
The motion system and simulation software integration has been extensively tested and fine-tuned with the aim of providing accurate plane reactions to every possible aerodynamic or mechanical strain.
The system represents a reliable and professional solution for IFR and VFR General Aviation training or an exciting experience for educational entertainment purposes.
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